Monday, August 24, 2020
Jacques Derrida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Jacques Derrida - Essay Example The book wa' tran'lated in Engli'h and publi'hed in U'A in the year 1970. (Gla', John , Leavey and Richard , 86-98) 'ection' of the book and what they contain:Thi' I' no common composition. The normal man would not have the option to gra'p the import of the substance' of thi' book. In any event, for the scholarly person', it I' an extreme perusing exerci'e. The fir't half of the book contain' the celebrated e''ay on De'carte' and Foucault. It focu'e' on the improvement of Derrida'' technique for decon'truction. Derrida cautiously clarify' the customary idea of 'ome nontraditional current' of present day thought. The 'econd half contain' Derrida'' savvy analy'i' 'howing how and why metaphy'ical thinking mu't prohibit composing from it' origination of language. The'e e''ay' are on Artaud, Freud,Hegel, Bataille and Leve-'trau'- 'ort of Derrida'' response to their contention'. Thi' I' the untran'latable definition of a metaphy'ical 'idea' which doe' not reject composing. We discover Derrida at chip away at hello there' 'y'tematic decon'truction of We'tern metaphy'ic'. The book'' fir't half, which incorporate' the commended e''ay on De'carte' and Foucault, 'how' the advancement of Derrida'' technique for decon'truction. ... Hello' better approach for' thinking, perusing and composing are ba'ed on the complete under'tanding of the old way', in their unadulterated and unadulterated structure. The section wi'e content' of the book are1. Power and 'ignification, 2. Cogito and the Hi'tory of Madne'', 3. Edmond Jab'' and the Que'tion of the Book,4. Viciousness and Metaphy'ic': An E''ay on the Thought of Emmanuel Levina', 5. Gene'i' and 'tructure and Phenomenology, 6. La parole 'ouffl', 7. Freud and the 'cene of Writing, 8. The Theater of Cruelty and the Clo'ure of Repre'entation,9. From Re'tricted to General Economy: A Hegeliani'm without Re'erve 10. 'tructure, 'ign, and Play in the Di'cour'e of the Human 'cience', and 11. Ellip'i'. Jacque' Derrida wa' destined to 'ephardic Jewi'h parent' in Algeria in 1930. He did military 'ervice in France. He started howdy' 'tudie' in philo'ophy at the Ecole Normale 'uperieure in Pari' in 1952. Derrida went to Harvard on 'cholar'hip in 1956-57. What the writer I' pre'enting in the book:Derrida advocate' for the dismissal of We'tern metaphy'ic' 'tating and 'howing that composed word' didn't 'tand for the 'poken word'. 'poken word' then again didn't 'tand for thought. Thought proce'' doe' not 'tand for Truth or God. All idea proce'' end' at the obstruction called mind. The idea' can not have any exi'tence past the brain level. That I' the area of 'piritual experience, where thought' have no task to carry out becau'e at that level they are not there by any means. (Gla', John , Leavey and Richard , 86-98) How it ha' been used in the field of communication:Derrida'' commitment to the correspondence enterpri'e I' blended one - it I' negative and po'itive. A' for the po'itive 'ide, hello there' contention' add to the awarene'' of humanity'' regular apprehen'ion of being mi'under'tood. No author can
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli Essay Example
Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli Paper Utilizing basic lysine nipper, a DNA lassie was disconnected from the giver and cross-country strains and FIG electrophoresis was utilized to decide the size of the plasmid. The conjugation effectiveness was seen as 16. 25% and the plasmid DNA was roughly 97 kilobytes in length. The outcomes show that the F plasmid was viably moved from the benefactor cells into the beneficiary cells through conjugation. Introduction:Bacterial conjugation is the unidirectional exchange of either genomic DNA or plasmid DNA from a giver bacterial cell to a beneficiary bacterial cell by cell-to-cell contact by means of a sex pills (Sonatas Simmons, 2006). Conjugation was first found by Elderberry and Datum in 1946. In their examination, they grew two strains of microscopic organisms in discrete vessels with rich medium and afterward together in one vessel containing a similar medium. At that point, they spread the three vessel substance onto medium agar plates and hatched them short-term at ETC. The main plate that indicated cell development was the plate containing the blend of the two bacterial strains. The other two plates indicated no development. This trial demonstrated that with the end goal for recombination to happen, the two strains must interact with each other (Elderberry, Datum, 1946). In 1950, Bernard Davis found that cell-to-cell contact was required to get a cross-country. Utilizing a U tube containing a sintered channel between the different sides of the cylinder, he included two kinds of microorganisms (giver and beneficiary) to each side of the cylinder. In light of the channel, Davis never watched conjugation. This further demonstrated with the goal for conjugation to happen, the cells must come into physical contact. With the end goal for cells to experience conjugation, one cell must contain a fruitfulness factor (F). William Hayes found this F factor in 1952. The F factor, which is a little auricular atom of DNA (plasmid), controls the amalgamation of F pill that interface benefactor and beneficiary cells during conjugation. These F factors are roughly 105 bagpipers in size. In bacterial conjugation, a giver cell containing the F plasmid is alluded to as a F+ cell while a beneficiary cell that comes up short on the plasmid is a F-cell. At the point when a F+ cell mates with a F-cell (conjugation), the plasmid is moved. Both the giver and beneficiary cells become F+ cells and contain the F plasmid. While moving the F+ plasmid, now and then the plasmid is coordinated into the beneficiaries chromosome. We will compose a custom exposition test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Lab Report of the Experiment of Conjugation of E. Coli explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer These cells are alluded to as Hoff cells. Now and then chromosomal DNA is circled out of the F plasmid, and chromosomal qualities are moved into the beneficiary; the beneficiary cells are alluded to as F strains. At the point when benefactor F cells mate with beneficiary F-cells, genomic DNA is moved from contributor to beneficiary. This exchange is known as enticement and the cell that gets the F plasmid from the giver is alluded to as a cross-country (Sonatas Simmons, 2006). In the analysis performed, conjugation was concentrated in E. Coli bacterial cells. The giver bacterial cells contained the F plasmid that had the lack+ quality incorporated into it, making the cells Flag+stars. The beneficiary bacterial cells were F-need mix. The benefactor and beneficiary cells were blended and plated onto streptomycin pointer plates. Utilizing AGE electrophoresis, plasmid DNA was detached and its size was resolved. The plasmid was available in the benefactor and cross-country cells; be that as it may, in the beneficiary cells the plasmid was missing. Materials and Methods:One ml of every one of contributor (Flag+stars) and beneficiary (F-need mix) the E. Oil bacterial strains, from the American Type Culture Collection in Rockville, Md. , was pipettes with a pitman into a sterile culture tube and hatched, without shaking, at 370 C for an hour and a half. Before plating the strains on agar plates, weakenings of the three strains of cells were set up with LB stock. 100 Pl of 10-5 and 10-6 weakenings of contributor cells were each plated onto McCrack en (MAC) agar plates without streptomycin. 100 Pl of 10-5 weakening of giver cells and 10-5 and 10-6 beneficiary were likewise plated onto MAC plates with streptomycin. 00 Pl of 10-4 and 10-5 weakenings of the conjugation blend cells were plated onto MAC agar with streptomycin. Each of the seven plates were upset and put in an ETC hatchery for around 24 hours. The bacterial settlements on each plate were tallied the following day (state includes found in Table l). Giver settlements were picked with a sterile circle and put into a sterile test tube containing LB stock. Beneficiary and cross-country states were likewise separated and set into sterile test tubes containing LB stock and streptomycin. The cylinders were then positioned in a 37 C shaking hatchery at 250 RPM short-term. After the hatching, 1. 5 ml of every one of the three societies were added to guilty party tubes and centrifuged at 13,200 RPM for 1 moment. A soluble lysine methodology like that of Bromine and Doll was then performed to extricate the lassie DNA with 200 Pl of antacid SD cleanser arrangement (Bromine Daly, 1979). After the antacid lysine technique was finished, the pellets were washed with a 100% ethanol and put away in a - ICC cooler. A 1% concurs gel in 0. 5 X TUBE cradle was set up for gel electrophoresis in a gel plate. The gel plate was set into the BIO-RADAR FIG Mapped device. Stacking color was included and each example (cover. 25 VI) was then stacked into a well. DNA markers were stacked into the first and last wells. The gel was run under program 4 for 16 hours, 180 volts forward and 120 volts invert. At the point when the program was knishes, the gel was set into a monotony bromide answer for stain. In the wake of recoloring, the gel was tenderly shaken in refined water. Utilizing a Kodak IDEAS 290 imaging framework, an image of the gel was taken (which can be found in Figure 1. 0). Results:During the investigation, giver (F+lack+stars) and beneficiary (F-need mix) cells were blended and plated onto streptomycin pointer plates. Plasmid DNA was removed from the benefactor and cross-country cells and FIG electrophoresis was utilized to decide the plasmids size. Subsequent to plating and brooding the bacterial weakenings, the cell states were checked. It was seen that the entirety of the benefactor ells were red, the entirety of the beneficiary cells were white, and the conjugation culture cells were a blend of red and white. There were too much (>300) red states to depend on the giver 10-5 MAC agar plate and 60 red settlements on the contributor 10-6 MAC agar plate. No states were seen on the contributor 10-5 MAC agar + strep plate. There were 126 white settlements on the beneficiary 10-5 MAC + strep plate and 32 white states seen on the beneficiary 10-6 MAC + strep agar plate. The cross-country 10-4 MAC + strep agar plate had 206 red and too many white settlements to tally, while the cross-country 10-5 MAC + strep agar plate had 26 De provinces and 86 white states (found in Table l). Utilizing the cell tallies and their weakenings, the way of life focus was determined. The centralization of contributor cells in the 10-6 weakening was xx cells/ml_. The centralization of beneficiary cells in the 10-6 weakening was 3. Hub cells/ml. The convergence of cross-country cells in the 10-5 weakening was 2. Xx cells/ml (Table II). The conjugation productivity was determined to be 16. 25% (Table Ill). Endless supply of a FIG electrophoresis, marker gauges were utilized to decide the plasmid size and the separation voyaged. The size and versatility f the groups in Marker II (Figure 1. 0) were estimated and a standard bend wa s produced (Figure 2. 0). This bend was then used to decide the plasmid size present in the benefactor and cross-country cells. The plasmid was absent in the beneficiary cells. ) The plasmid voyaged 14. 5 mm and was around 101 kilobytes in length. Discussion:After plating the contributor cells onto MAC plates that didn't contain the streptomycin anti-microbial, red provinces developed. This outcome is conceivable in light of the fact that the benefactor cells contained the need Oberon, which codes for compounds that can use lactose as food. Cells containing this Oberon can develop on MAC plates on the grounds that the plates contain lactose sugar. These two plates were then contrasted with the giver plate that contained the streptomycin anti-microbial. No states developed on the streptomycin plate. This is on the grounds that the giver cells didn't contain the quality for streptomycin opposition. Subsequent to plating the beneficiary cells onto MAC+strep plates, white settlements developed. This outcome is seen on the grounds that the beneficiary cells come up short on the need Oberon. These cells can't use lactose as a food source. Likewise, the beneficiary cells had the option to develop within the sight of streptomycin since they contained quality for protection from the anti-toxin. On the plates containing MAC+strep and 10-5 cross-country cells, there were 26 red cells present. In a perfect world, on the grounds that the cells were unreasonably weaken for conjugation to be seen, there ought to have been no red cells present. On the plates containing MAC+strep and 10-4 cross-country cells, both red and white states were watched. The white settlements were beneficiary cells and the red were cross-country. It very well may be resolved that the red cells were the cross-country in light of the fact that beforehand, red cells (which demonstrate giver cells) couldn't develop on plates containing streptomycin. Since they ere present on streptomycin plate, the cells more likely than not experienced conjugation. In the wake of secluding the plasmids and running them on a FIG electrophoresis, it was seen that the plasmid was just present in
Friday, July 17, 2020
Word Choice is Critical
Word Choice is Critical Words have power. To quote Rudyard Kipling, Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. As with any drug, words must be used carefully, with forethought and precision. Joseph Joubert said, Words, like glass, obscure when they do not aid vision. As writers our goal is to convey meaning or illicit feelings in our readers, to clarify rather than obscure. Therefore our word choice is critical.Word choice involves several considerations. Perhaps the most obvious of these is grammar. It is common today to hear entertainers and other public figures use poor grammar, or use a word incorrectly based on some new slang definition. This has become so pervasive that many have adopted the same speech style without even realizing it. It might be a matter for debate whether such a slovenly attitude toward the rules of language is ever acceptable in spoken communication. For written forms of communication, the issue is less ambiguous. While it may be acceptable when writing dialogue in works of fiction, in most forms of writing it is inappropriate. In the same way, words or expressions that are offensive to a particular racial, religious, ethnic, or other groups should be avoided. A word of caution is in order in this regard. Even if you would never even consider the use of anything offensive in your writing, you might still give offense. Many expressions have double meanings, one of which is rude or vulgar. Are you aware of these? If there is even a chance that something might be understood in the wrong way, its best to choose a different expression.Problems with grammar can also arise out of ignorance. It can be argued that literacy is on the decline, and has been for many years. Sadly, this seems to have affected every facet of society, including those who make their living as manipulators of the written word. In addition, many find themselves asked to express their ideas in a foreign language, often English. This can be a challenge. Even when a writer spea ks the second language well, the formal structure required of the written language is stricter and the audience is usually less forgiving. If you belong to either of these groups, what can you do? In a word, read. Read everything that you can get your hands on in that language (obviously trying to choose things that are well written). This is the same principle used when initially learning a language, total immersion. It is the same way that a baby learns to speak. However, when applying this method as an adult, there is a difference. A baby starts from scratch. As an adult with poor grammar, you have to first break your bad habits. One way to accomplish this is to notice the differences in the way you construct sentences compared to the way theyre constructed in what you read. Look at sentences the way a carpenter looks at a house. Dont just look at the whole, see the pieces. Dont just hear the meaning conveyed, peer beneath the surface at the structure. This means slowing down, an alyzing every word and its place in the sentence. The best way to do this is by reading out loud. Reading out loud can help you to feel the rhythm and flow of the words, allowing you to eventually make them your own.Another aspect of sentence structure is sentence length. In general, short, simple, concise sentences are more effective than long, complicated, run-on sentences. They have an immediate impact. If you want to make an important point, put it in a short sentence. State it simply. If you do, your readers will remember it. Several short sentences in a row can also be very effective, like multiple quick punches from a boxer. Of course, some of this effectiveness is lost if every sentence you write is short. Variety increases readability.This is also true for individual words. Instead of always saying that the weather was cold, why not say that it was chilly, frosty, icy, wintry, or glacial? Instead of saying that the man was fat, why not say that he was plump, chubby, stout, or portly? And instead of saying that the new analytical method was more effective, why not say that it was more efficient, successful, useful, or valuable? Using a variety of synonymous words helps to keep your readers interested in what you are saying. It can also do more than this. The English language has a rich vocabulary. Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings. Similar is the key word in this definition. Whats the difference between being stout and chubby? Is there a difference? As a writer, youd better know.In addition to its denotation or dictionary definition, what connotation is conveyed by a word? What feelings does it evoke? For example, the words house and home can both be defined as the structure where a person or family lives, but at the end of a long day, to which would you rather return? Heres a more personal example - which would you rather be, slim or thin? Thin or skinny? Skinny or emaciated? Emaciated or skeletal? These words mean basically th e same thing, but the subtle differences in connotation can add shades of color to your writing. Be aware of these shades of color; your word choice will influence the emotions of your readers. Direct this influence by a conscious and careful selection. Instead of saying that the hero walked out of the room, why not say that he stormed out? Instead of saying that the words were painful, why not say that they tore into her heart? And instead of saying that the car crashed, why not say that it was crushed like an empty beer can?Of course, while an expanded vocabulary is laudable, one must nevertheless remain circumspect that the objectives of ones written communiqué not become ensconced in nebulousness and obfuscation. Why are you writing? Ultimately, whatever youre writing, your goal is communication. Your vocabulary should serve that goal. Your writing should not simply be a canvas for your vocabulary; your vocabulary should serve as a palette with which you paint a clear picture i n your writing. Throwing words into your writing that your readers are unlikely to understand is like an artist throwing paint on a canvas at random; individual spots of color may arouse curiosity, but the overall impression will be one of confusion. The first sentence in this paragraph is an example. Congratulations if it made perfect sense to you, but be aware that most readers will find similar sentences frustrating if you insist on writing them. Ernest Hemingway once commented on this subject. He said, Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I dont know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use. So use the best words for the job, ones that put your reader in the picture but allow him to understand what hes seeing once he gets there.Its bad enough to use words that your readers dont understand, using words that you dont understand is worse. If you do so, your readers will lose respect for you. This is especially a problem with non-fiction since they will begin to wonder whether the accuracy of your writing can be trusted.Words are tools. You might say that they are the only tools that every living person in the world uses on a daily basis. Learn to use them well. Learn what each tool does and how it can be employed most effectively. Learn the subtle differences between similar tools and how to select the correct one for the job. Learn what combination of tools will be most effective at accomplishing your objective, conveying ideas, feelings, and shades of meaning to your readers, helping them to become immersed in your story, to comprehend your technical writing, and, always, to remember what you have written. By choosing your words carefully and using them with skill, you will become a craftsman who can be proud of your finished product.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Research Paper Chocolate â⬠To Eat or Not To Eat
Research Paper: Chocolate ââ¬â To Eat or Not To Eat? For many years chocolate has been referred to junk and unhealthy food along with other sweets and has been regarded as an indulgence. The recent studies have shed some new light on its health-giving properties and the attitude to it has undergone a sweeping change. So, let us examine this matter and finally decide if chocolate should be included into diet. One of the greatest risks related to chocolate consumption is that it is rich in calories and contains saturated fats. Therefore, people who eat chocolate regularly are prone to gaining weight and increasing their cholesterol levels that greatly contributes to developing heart diseases. What is more, chocolate is one of the products with the highest level of lead. As you can see, the warnings of the scientists against eating large amounts of chocolates are not unfounded. However, the new findings clearly show that one kind of chocolate, namely dark chocolate, has a lot to offer, when it is eaten in small amounts. It is reported to be able to protect our cardiovascular health, as it contains natural anti-oxidants called flavonoids. They help to keep arteries elastic and reduce blood pressure. That boosting of blood flow that flavonoids provide is also good for your skin. Eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate improves your skin thickness, texture and hydration and makes it more resistant to sun damage. All in all, chocolate can affect your health both positively and adversely. Therefore, it is recommended that you
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Government Control, No Freedom in 1984 by George Orwell Essay
People hear about political issues all over the news and form their own opinions on them, but are they really deciding beliefs for themselves or are they just believing whatever the media tells them? Because of the modern day media biased, many people do not think independently, even when they think they are. They merely believe the lies the media feeds them and do not research the matter themselves to get an accurate idea of what is truly going on and how the control of information will impact the world around them. Because of peopleââ¬â¢s tendency to accept any piece of information that gets shoved down their throats, the US is slowly digging itself into the same government-controlled, no-freedom world as in the book 1984 by George Orwell.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦With research, people can see that the states with the strictest gun laws also have the highest crime rates in the country (Harvard 5). However, most people do not bother to look into these facts and endorse with the media. Ignorance due to inability to spot biased is a monumental issue in the U.S. In 1984, people did not have an option on who or what to believe. They were all required to watch a Two Minute Hate so they would dislike what the Party wanted them to dislike. The people could only see what the Party wanted them to see as no other channels they existed. In fact, the telescreens could not be shut off at all. Constant exposure to the Partyââ¬â¢s beliefs caused people to be biased towards the governmentââ¬â¢s views. In this country, people hear, watch, and absorb news every day, but they do not always see or hear the presented bias. For example, Fox News is conservative-leaning and MSNBC is more liberal (Garrett 23). People who only watch one news channel without acknowledging or spotting the bias tend to accept what they hear as fact without a second thought. Depending on where information is collected or heard, the person forms opinions based on bias rather than facts with out realizing the error in their wapithes and become easy to manipulation occurs. Manipulation through the media has lead to serious consequences in 1984 and the US today. The Party said that Oceania had neverShow MoreRelatedTotalitarianism in Orwells Mind Essay1053 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Party desires to control every aspect of Winston Smithââ¬â¢s life; his work, ideologies, attitude, thoughts, appearance, everything. The Thought Police, Big Brother, and Ingsoc are embodiments of everything that author George Orwell hates in government. 1984, a book written by Orwell, depicts a society called Oceania, in which unwary citizens are obedient to the Party, a totalitarian regime. 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Coping With Climate Change Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(149) " or unsure handiness of nutritionally equal and safe nutrients or limited or unsure ability to get acceptable nutrients in socially acceptable ways\." Autonomous versions may non be to the full equal for get bying with clime alteration, therefore asking deliberate, planned steps. Many options for policy-based version to climate alteration have been identified for agribusiness, woods and piscaries. These can either affect version activities such as developing substructure or edifice the capacity to accommodate in the broader user community and establishments, frequently by altering the decision-making environment under which management-level, independent version activities occur. We will write a custom essay sample on Coping With Climate Change Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Policybased versions to climate alteration will interact with, depend on, or possibly even be merely a subset of policies on natural resource direction, homo and animate being wellness, administration and human rights, among many others ( Yohe et al. , 2007 ) . Extenuation Schemes Agribusiness, land usage and waste history for some 35 per centum of the GHG emanations that contribute to climate alteration ( Stern, 2006 ) . At the same clip, improved agricultural patterns can do a important part at low cost to increasing dirt C sinks and to GHG emanation decreases ( Metz et al. , 2007 ) . Cardinal extenuation schemes in the agribusiness sector include: improved harvest and croping land direction to increase dirt C segregation, Restoration of debauched lands, improved rice cultivation and farm animal and manure direction to cut down methane emanations and improved nitrogen fertiliser direction to cut down azotic oxide emanations in some agricultural systems ( Metz et al. , 2007 ) . Improved direction of tropical land offers a promising agriculture-based extenuation scheme. Reduced deforestation, more sustainable forest direction and acceptance of agroforestry ( integrating of tree and harvest cultivation ) have peculiarly good potency to capture important sums of C and other GHGs and, at the same clip, to lend to poverty decrease ( CGIAR, 2008 ) . Cultivation of productive eatage grasses that sequester C can be combined with tree seting in silvopastoral systems of cultivation. Agroforestry non merely captures C and helps keep dirt wellness through N arrested development and usage of film editings as fertiliser and mulch, but it besides provides fresh fish, fruit, lumber, fuel, medical specialties and rosins. This can assist better nutrition in agriculturist families through higher incomes and by straight adding diverseness to diets ( CGIAR, 2008 ) . Agricultural research can assist make new engineerings that will ease agriculture-based extenuation schemes. For illustration, research is afoot at CGIAR-supported international agricultural research Centres to engender new, drought-tolerant assortments of sorghum that will supply nutrient, provender and fuel all from a individual works, without current trade-offs among utilizations. In the wast e direction sector, bing engineerings for extenuation are available that can lend to improved public wellness as an input into good nutrition. These include waste incineration with energy recovery, composting of organic waste, controlled waste H2O intervention and recycling to minimise waste ( Metz et al. , 2007 ) . Beginning: FAO, Policy Brief on Food Security, Figure 2, June 2006, Issue 2. FAO ââ¬Ës ââ¬Ëtwin-track attack ââ¬Ë for contending hunger combines sustainable agricultural and rural development with targeted programmes for heightening direct entree to nutrient for the most destitute. As outlined above, the first path addresses recovery steps for set uping resilient nutrient systems. Factors that affect nutrient system resiliency include the construction of the nutrient economic system as a whole, every bit good as its constituents such as agricultural production, engineering, the variegation of nutrient processing, markets and ingestion. Track 2 assesses the options for supplying support to vulnerable groups. This survey is looking for family nutrient security appraisal attack. Household nutrient insecurity can be assessed utilizing direct and indirect measurings. Food Sufficiency Status Question ( Briefel et al. , 1992 ) , Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project Instrument ( Wehler et al. , 1994 ) , Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity Instrument ( Radimer et al. , 1992 ) and Food Security Core Model ( Bickel et al. , 2000 ) and Accumulative Food Security Index ( Maxwell, 1996 ) are among questionnaire-based instruments designed to straight mensurate nucleus behaviours and experiences related to nutrient sufficiency or nutrient insecurity and to be administered to the individual most responsible for nutrient and nutrient proviso in the family. The indirect measurings of nutrient insecurity which include income-based steps of poorness, use of nutrient security-related plan, indexs of fiscal adversity, anthropometric measurings, dietetic consumption and other wellness and n utrition parametric quantities, indicate the degree of exposure in which nutrient insecurity may be moderately inferred ( Radimer et al. , 1990 ; Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion at Health Canada, 2002 ) . The Radimer/Cornell Hunger and Food Insecurity instrument identifies nutrient insecurity experienced at the family, single and child degrees and maintains that nutrient insecurity is a managed procedure ( Radimer et al. , 1990 ) . The family makes necessary accommodations to turn to nutrient insecurity with the kids being spared until nutrient insecurity becomes terrible. In other words, the grownups will digest hunger themselves so that their kids do non endure. While the Radimer/Cornell instrument has been used extensively in the United States, its application in a different cultural scene is comparatively limited ( Kaiser et al. , 2002 ; Studdert et al. , 2001 ; Welch et al. , 1998 ) . The Radimer/Cornell instrument has been shown to be applicable in Malaysia as a direct appraisal of family nutrient insecurity ( Zalilah, 1998 ; Zalilah A ; Tham, 2002 ; Zalilah A ; Ang, 2002 ) . Degrees of Food security: Extensive research in the late eightiess focused on understanding family nutrient security, nutrient insecurity, and hungriness. This work led to the development by an adept working group of the American Institute of Nutrition of the undermentioned conceptual definitions, which were published in 1990 by the Life Sciences Research Office ( LSRO ) of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology: Food security ââ¬â ââ¬Å" Entree by all people at all times to enough nutrient for an active, healthy life. Food security includes at a lower limit: ( 1 ) the ready handiness of nutritionally equal and safe nutrients, and ( 2 ) an assured ability to get acceptable nutrients in socially acceptable ways ( e.g. , without fall backing to exigency nutrient supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other get bying schemes ) . â⬠It will be measured if families show no or minimum grounds of nutrient insecurity Food insecurity ââ¬â ââ¬Å" Limited or unsure handiness of nutritionally equal and safe nutrients or limited or unsure ability to get acceptable nutrients in socially acceptable ways. You read "Coping With Climate Change Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" â⬠Food insecurity is apparent in family members ââ¬Ë concerns about adequateness of the family nutrient supply and in accommodations to household nutrient direction, including reduced quality of nutrient and increased unusual header forms. It will be measured if small or no decrease in members ââ¬Ë nutrient consumption is reported Hunger ââ¬â ââ¬Å" The uneasy or painful esthesis caused by a deficiency of nutrient. The recurrent and nonvoluntary deficiency of entree to nutrient. Hunger may bring forth malnutrition over clipâ⬠¦ . Hungerâ⬠¦ is a possible, although non necessary, effect of nutrient insecurity. â⬠Food consumption for grownups in the family has been reduced to an extent that implies that grownups have repeatedly experienced the physical esthesis of hungriness. In most ( but non all ) food-insecure families with kids, such decreases are non observed at this phase for kids. At this degree, all families with kids have reduced the kids ââ¬Ës nutrient consumption to an extent indicating that the kids have experienced hungriness. For some other families with kids, this already has occurred at an earlier phase of badness. It will be measured if grownups in families with and without kids have repeatedly experienced more extended decreases in nutrient consumption. Food insecurity and hungriness, as the footings are used here, are conditions ensuing from fiscal resource restraint. Hunger, for illustration, can happen in many state of affairss, including dieting and being excessively busy to eat. The measurement process described here, nevertheless, is concerned merely with nutrient insecurity and hungriness that occur because the family does non hold adequate nutrient or money to purchase nutrient. Hunger, in this position, may be seen as a terrible phase or degree of nutrient insecurity, instead than as a distinguishable or separate status from the more general experience of nutrient insecurity. Furthermore, while this status is normally associated with poorness, it is non the same thing as general income insufficiency. Rather, it is the status of want in this one country of basic demand ; its measuring captures the badness of want due to resource restraint in this one specific country of demand, as straight experienced and described by respon dents. The full scope of nutrient insecurity and hungriness can non be captured by any individual index. Alternatively, a family ââ¬Ës degree of nutrient insecurity or hungriness must be determined by obtaining information on a assortment of specific conditions, experiences, and behaviours that serve as indexs of the changing grades of badness of the status. Research over the past two decennaries has identified a peculiar set of this sort of status, experience and behaviour form that systematically characterizes the phenomenon of nutrient insecurity and hungriness. ( Derrickson, 2000 ) It is frequently utile, both for policy and research intents, to simplify the nutrient security graduated table into a little set of classs, each one stand foring a meaningful scope of badness on the implicit in graduated table, and to discourse the per centum of the population in each of these classs. Four classs have been defined for this intent: A family is classified into one of the nutrient security status-level classs on the footing of its mark on the nutrient security graduated table, while the family ââ¬Ës graduated table mark is determined by its overall form of response to the set of index inquiries. Families with really low graduated table tonss are those that report no, or really limited, food-insecurity or hungriness experiences. These families are classified as nutrient secure. At the other extreme, families with really high graduated table tonss are those that have reported a big figure of the conditions and are classified as nutrient insecure with hungriness ( terrible ) ââ¬â i.e. , with hungriness at the most terrible degree measured in the U.S. The more meaningful separations are those that autumn in the in-between scopes of the graduated table. Here, families that affirm at least three of the index conditions are classified as nutrient insecure. Most of these are classified ââ¬Å" nutrient insecure wi thout hungriness, â⬠as the presence of adequate indexs, of sufficient badness degree to set up confidently the presence of hungriness among family members, is missing. A smaller figure of the food-insecure families show measured badness degrees higher up the graduated table, and have affirmed at least three of the ( normally adult ) hungriness indexs. These families are deemed to be describing adequate indicants of nutrient insecurity and reduced nutrient consumption to set up a high chance of hungriness among family members, and consequently are classified ââ¬Å" nutrient insecure with hungriness. â⬠Questions and Instruction manuals in USAID Model In the past four hebdomads, did you worry that your family would non hold plenty nutrient? ( Worry about nutrient ) This inquiry asks the respondent to describe their personal experience with uncertainness and anxiousness about geting nutrient during the old month. The interviewer should besides read the definition of a ââ¬Å" family â⬠that was developed during the readying of the questionnaire. Mention that this definition of family applies to all the inquiries with that term. In the past four hebdomads, were you or any household member non able to eat the sorts of nutrients you preferred because of a deficiency of resources? ( Unable to eat preferable nutrients ) One sphere of nutrient insecurity ( entree ) is holding limited picks in the type of nutrient that a family chow. This inquiry asks whether any family member was non able to eat harmonizing to their penchant due to a deficiency of resources. Preference can mention to the signifier of a peculiar nutrient ( i.e. , whole rice vs. broken rice ) , type of basic ( i.e. , millet vs. maize ) or a high quality nutrient ( i.e. , a piece of meat or fish ) . Preferred nutrients may or may non be nutritionally high quality. The interviewer should besides read the definition of a ââ¬Å" deficiency of resources. â⬠Mention that this definition of family applies to all the inquiries with that term. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members In the past four hebdomads, did you or any household member have to eat a limited assortment of nutrients due to a deficiency of resources? ( Eat merely a few sorts of nutrients ) This inquiry asks about dietetic picks related to variety ââ¬â i.e. , whether the family had to eat an unsought humdrum diet ( small diverseness in the different types of nutrients consumed ) . The interviewer should read the description of what a humdrum diet might be. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members. In the past four hebdomads, did you or any household member have to eat some nutrients that you truly did non desire to eat because of a deficiency of resources to obtain other types of nutrient? ( Eat nutrients they truly do non desire eat ) This inquiry, which besides captures the dimension of limited picks, asks whether any family member had to eat nutrient that they found socially or personally unwanted due to a deficiency of resources. Often these are nutrients or nutrient readyings that are consumed merely under adversity. Different people may see different nutrients to be unwanted, so it is best non to supply illustrations here at first. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members, harmonizing to his or her ain perceptual experience of the types of nutrient family members ate during the old four hebdomads. If more encouragement is required, the interviewer may give some illustrations utilizing any illustrations included in the questionnaire and reviewed during preparation. For all inquiries, it is of import to remind respondents that the illustrations are non an thorough list. In the past four hebdomads, did you or any household member have to eat a smaller repast than you felt you needed because there was non plenty nutrient? ( Eat a smaller repast ) This inquiry asks whether the respondent felt that the sum of nutrient ( any sort of nutrient, non merely the basic nutrient ) that any family member Ate in any repast during the past four hebdomads was smaller than they felt they needed due to a deficiency of resources. The respondent should reply harmonizing to his or her perceptual experience of what constitutes adequate nutrient for the demands of the family members. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members. In the past four hebdomads, did you or any household member have to eat fewer repasts in a twenty-four hours because there was non plenty nutrient? ( Eat fewer repasts in a twenty-four hours ) This inquiry asks whether any family member, due to miss of nutrient, had to eat fewer repasts than the figure typically eaten in the nutrient secure families in their country. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members. In the past four hebdomads, was there of all time no nutrient to eat of any sort in your family because of deficiency of resources to acquire nutrient? ( No nutrient of any sort in the family ) This inquiry asks about a state of affairs in which the family has no nutrient to eat of any sort in the place. This describes a state of affairs where nutrient was non available to family members through the families ââ¬Ë usual agencies ( e.g. , through purchase, from the garden or field, from storage, etc. ) . In the past four hebdomads, did you or any family member go to kip at dark hungry because there was non plenty nutrient? ( Travel to kip hungry ) This inquiry asks whether the respondent felt hungry at bedtime because of deficiency of nutrient or whether the respondent was cognizant of other family members who were hungry at bedtime because of deficiency of nutrient. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members. In the past four hebdomads, did you or any family member go a whole twenty-four hours and dark without eating anything because there was non plenty nutrient? ( Travel a whole twenty-four hours and dark without eating ) This inquiry asks whether any household member did non eat from the clip they awoke in the forenoon to the clip they awoke the following forenoon due to miss of nutrient. The respondent needs to reply on behalf of all family members. Measurement Scale a. Categorical Ranking Assessment ( USAID Model ) : It calculates for each family by delegating a codification for the nutrient insecurity ( entree ) class in which it falls. The four nutrient security classs should be created consecutive, in the same order as shown below, to guarantee that families are classified harmonizing to their most terrible response. Calculate the Household Food Insecurity Access class for each family. 1 = Food Secure, 2=Mildly Food Insecure Access, 3=Moderately Food Insecure Access, 4=Severely Food Insecure Access. Category = 1 if [ ( Q1a=0 or Q1a=1 ) and Q2=0 and Q3=0 and Q4=0 and Q5=0 and Q6=0 and Q7=0 and Q8=0 and Q9=0 ] Category = 2 if [ ( Q1a=2 or Q1a=3 or Q2a=1 or Q2a=2 or Q2a=3 or Q3a=1 or Q4a=1 ) and Q5=0 and Q6=0 and Q7=0 and Q8=0 and Q9=0 ] Category = 3 if [ ( Q3a=2 or Q3a=3 or Q4a=2 or Q4a=3 or Q5a=1 or Q5a=2 or Q6a=1 or cQ6a=2 ) and Q7=0 and Q8=0 and Q9=0 ] Category = 4 if [ Q5a=3 or Q6a=3 or Q7a=1 or Q7a=2 or Q7a=3 or Q8a=1 or Q8a=2 or Q8a=3 or Q9a=1 or Q9a=2 or Q9a=3 ] b. Rasch measuring theoretical account ( USDA Model ) : The Rasch measuring theoretical account, which was developed chiefly in the educational testing field, assumes an implicit in continuum ââ¬â in the present instance, of the badness of nutrient insecurity experienced by the family ââ¬â upon which both points and families can be located, and assumes that the chance of a family confirming a specific point depends on the comparative badness of the family and the point. The single-parameter Rasch theoretical account, which is used to make the nutrient security graduated table, assumes specifically that the log of the odds of a family confirming an point is relative to the difference between the badness degree of the family and the badness degree of the point. Therefore, the chance that a family at severity-level H will confirm an point at severity-level I is: Ph, i=e ( h-i ) / ( 1+e ( h-i ) ) ( 1 ) where vitamin E is the base of the natural logarithms. three. Determining the nutrient security influencing factors Several variables of family composing like incomes, outgos, basic comfortss, plus ownership, fiscal and material AIDSs received from authorities or non-government bureaus, employment position, etc. , factors have impacts on family nutrient security. Climate prima factors like income decrease, seasonal unemployment, wellness consequence, etc. , can impact family nutrient security. Literature besides showed more of the nutrient insecure families were populating below the poorness line, had a larger family size, more kids and school-going kids and female parents as homemakers. To supply grounds of family nutrient insecurity and place its indexs in Malaysia, the survey will analyze the associations between family nutrient insecurity with demographic, family, socioeconomic, and climatic factors. Chi-square trial and logistic arrested development will be utilized for comparing of factors between nutrient secure and nutrient insecure families and finding of factors associated with family nu trient insecurity, severally. Here, the chief intent is to find the chance that an person with a given set of property will fall in one pick instead than the alternate, i.e. , either nutrient secure or insecure non both. The dependent variable is dummy variable, which takes a value of 0 or 1 depending on the families ââ¬Ë nutrient security position. There are attacks developed for a chance theoretical account whose response variable is dummy one. These are: the Linear Probability Model ( LPM ) , Logit Model, and Probit Model. The pick of these theoretical accounts depends on the suitableness to suit the information. LPM has built-in draw dorsums. To advert some of these downside of: it lacks to demo the uniformity of mistake footings, hetroscedasticity ( the discrepancy of the error term is non changeless ) of the error term, possibility of the acquiring the chance map consequence out of 0 and 1, and the general lower R2 value. Owing to these cardinal jobs, LPM is non logically attractive theoretical account f or dummy antiphonal variables ( Gujarati, 1995 ) . Therefore, one can utilize Accumulative Distribution Function ( CDF ) viz. Logit or Probit theoretical accounts ( Gujarati, 1995 ) . The inquiry is that which CDF theoretical account to utilize. However, both can be used for dummy antiphonal variable most research workers choose Logit than Probit arrested development theoretical account. Therefore, Logit theoretical account warrant the estimated chances additions and neââ¬â¢er stairss outdoors 0 to 1 interval and the relationship between chance ( pi ) and explanatory variable ( Xi ) is non-linear. Therefore, a logistic theoretical account, besides known as Multinomial Logistic Regression, uses to place the determiners of nutrient security and to measure their comparative importance in finding the chance of being in nutrient secure state of affairs or non. Prior to the appraisal of the logistic arrested development theoretical account that the explanatory variables need to look into for the being of multicolinearity. In this survey among the other methods, Variance Inflation Factor ( VIF ) uses to mensurate the grade of additive relationships among the uninterrupted explanatory variables. Where each uninterrupted explanatory variable reasoning backwards on all the other uninterrupted explanatory variables and coefficient of finding for each alar or subordinate arrested development computes. Following Gujarati ( 1995 ) , VIF is defined as: VIF ( X J ) = 1/ ( 1-Rj2 ) ( 9 ) Where, Xj = the jth quantitative explanatory variable regressed on the other quantitative explanatory variables. Rj2 = the coefficient of finding when the variable Xj regressed on the staying explanatory variables. As a regulation of pollex, if the VIF of a variable exceeds 10 that variable is said to be extremely collinear and it can be concluded that multicolinearity is a job ( Gujarati, 1995 ) . In a similar mode, to avoid the multicolinearity job among silent person ( qualitative ) variables Contingency Coefficients ( C ) need to be computed. It is defined as follows: four. Determining the influences of climatic agents on nutrient security Individual dimensions of nutrient security are non discernible per Se, and are considered a latent variable depending on the footings on several climatic factors and non-climatic factors observed variables. The theoretical account can be estimated through an extension of multivariate arrested development theoretical accounts. A hierarchical/ way diagram theoretical account in which some variables are dependent on one side and independent of the other. Unobservable ( i.e. , latent ) variables have besides to be dealt with. In the causal theoretical accounts literature ( Spirtes, Glymour and Scheines, 2000 ) , circles represent latent variables and boxes represent ascertained variables. Most of the hierarchal or multi-level theoretical accounts studied in the literature trade with mensural variables, so the arrested development belongingss are extended. One of the advanced parts of this research is the appraisal of latent variable theoretical accounts in complex study informations. Sing the complexness of the theoretical account concerned, two alternate appraisal schemes could be adopted for the appraisal of family resiliency: structural equation modeling and multi-stage modeling. Structural equation theoretical accounts ( SEMs ) are the most appropriate tools for covering with the sort of theoretical account illustrated in above figure. Structural equation patterning combines factor analysis with arrested development. It is assumed that the set of mensural variables is an imperfect step of the implicit in latent variable of involvement. Structural equation patterning uses a factor analysis-type theoretical account to mensurate the latent variables via ascertained variables, while at the same time utilizing a regression-type theoretical account to place relationships among the latent variables ( Bollen, 1989 ) . By and large, the appraisal methods developed for SEMs are limited to the usually distributed ascertained variables, but in most instances ( including this one ) , many variables are nominal or ordinal. It is besides possible to utilize generalised latent variable theoretical accounts ( Bartholomew and Knott, 1999 ; Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh, 2004 ) to pattern different response types. This survey prefers to utilize SEM to gauge the influences of climatic alterations on nutrient security. The other attack explored is a multi-stage scheme for gauging the latent variables individually, based on the relevant ascertained variables. This involves the usage of assorted sets of ascertained variables to gauge the implicit in latent variables. In other words, the circles represent the common form in the mensural variables. The methods used for bring forthing these latent variables depend on the graduated tables of the ascertained variables. Traditional multivariate methods are based on uninterrupted variables, but most of the variables in household-level studies are qualitative ( nominal, ordinal or interval ) , so it is necessary to utilize different techniques for non-continuous types of variables. v. Determining the family header schemes For early efforts to minimise family nutrient insecurity, several get bying schemes were found to be significantly different between the two types of families. More of the nutrient secure families were able to follow the schemes of selling valuable stuffs and borrowing money compared to the nutrient insecure families. The former with higher average income have assets and belongingss that they can sell or mortgage during periods of economic adversity. On the other manus, as nutrient insecure families had more school-going kids, cut downing outgos on kids ââ¬Ës instruction is an of import header scheme which includes bespeaking a school text edition loan, cut downing kids ââ¬Ës pocket money and expenditures on school demands and activities. On nutrient schemes, borrowing money to purchase nutrient and having nutrients from household members, relations and neighbours are ways to buffer the nutrient secure families from sing nutrient inadequacy. Most of the nutrient insecure famili es adopted the scheme on cooking whatever nutrient is available at place, including the usage of herbs, works shoots ( bamboo, manioc, banana ) or veggies grown by the families, domestic fowl or other domesticated animate beings ( coneies, caprine animals, cattles ) reared for ain ingestion or hard currency, and fishing from rivers, lakes and sea. In other words, these schemes do non necessitate the nutrient insecure families to utilize money to buy nutrient. The schemes on cut downing sum of nutrients cooked for repasts, sum of nutrient consumption, nutrient fluctuations in repasts and ingestion of fruits and veggies did non differ significantly between the two families. However, decrease in the figure of repasts is adopted by more of the nutrient secure families than the nutrient insecure families. Typically, breakfast or tiffin is the repast excluded by these families ( Shariff and Khor 2008 ) . The usage of schemes to get by with short-run and long-run alterations in family income and nutrient inadequacy as direct indexs has been documented in many earlier surveies ( De Garine, 1993 ; Eele, 1994 ; Frakenberger A ; Coyle, 1993 ; Watts A ; Bohle, 1993 ) . Maxwell et Al. ( 1999 ) indicated that in both rural and urban scenes, four classs of get bying schemes related to dietetic alteration, food-seeking behaviours, family construction and rationing are normally adopted by families sing nutrient inadequacy ; nevertheless the specific header schemes within each class may change across scenes. Due to different environmental fortunes ( e.g. cost of life, rural versus urban civilization, instruction and employment position of adult females ) , the urban low-income families may use different specific get bying mechanisms to cover with income and nutrient inadequacy than rural families. Similarly, Davies ( 1996 ) has suggested that assorted facets of get bying behaviours ( definitio n, sequence of importance or badness, short-run versus long-run alterations ) may differ between locations ( e.g. urban versus rural ) and within a location ( angling versus agricultural community in a rural country ) . Shariff and Khor ( 2008 ) besides found that the rural low-income families used food-related get bying mechanisms ( cook whatever nutrient is available at place and borrow money to purchase nutrient ) during periods of nutrient insecurity. Based on the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring ( 1994~2000 ) , Dore et Al. ( 2003 ) reported that the usage of less expensive nutrient and ingestion of home-prepared repasts were prevailing get bying mechanisms among low-income Russian families to protect the dietetic consumptions of kids. Decreased frequence and measure of nutrient consumption, compromised diet in relation to nutrient quality, nutrient penchant and nutrient permutation, alterations in nutrient shop, sale of assets and borrowing nutrient or money were reported by households in Java during the Indonesia ââ¬Ës economic crisis in 1998 ( Studdert et al. , 2001 ) . There are several advantages of utilizing get bying schemes to mensurate nutrient insecurity such as the processs are simp le, low cost and comprehendible by many, can be used in combination with other steps of nutrient insecurity and gaining control some elements of exposure and complexness related to nutrient insecurity ( Maxwell, 1996 ) . Although several nutrient get bying schemes were associated with nutrient insecurity, the findings should be farther investigated and confirmed as these schemes may be context or puting specific. Finally, get bying schemes as nutrient security indexs should be validated against other indexs such as nutrient ingestion ( family, single ) , poverty steps ( income and outgo ) , single wellness and nutritionary position and grounds of nutrient insecurity ( climate alteration factors, natural catastrophes ) . How to cite Coping With Climate Change Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Polygraph Research free essay sample
I began my research thinking I wanted to find out where we were today in our advancement of the lie detector machine and its accuracy. There was a time it was heard of often and considered quite controversial in its legitimacy. My research took me on a different journey then I had expected. A journey discovering that the Polygraph Machine is not only just as controversial today as ever, but also that there appears to be behind the controversy then simply its technology. We will write a custom essay sample on Polygraph Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Polygraph Machine was traditionally known for its use in lie detection within law enforcement. So I began my search in the Criminal Justice data base of our school library. I came across an interesting article, ââ¬Å"The Truth Surrounding Lie Detection Technologyâ⬠, written by Rebecca Kanable, a freelance writer specializing in law enforcement topics for the periodical Law Enforcement Technology. Her article, although informative of the details in how the polygraph machine works, what it detects physiologically, and why it might be considered inaccurate, revealed to me there may be more behind the controversial system then simply its technology. She would reference an important sounding entity called the APA (American Polygraph Association), explaining the APA founding, their development, and purpose. After discussing the APA and its extensive research and technology, another official sounding entity was introduced, the NAS (National Academy of Sciences). The NAS reported that contrary to the APAââ¬â¢s pride in their more than 80% accuracy in detecting deception, a majority of the research was unreliable, unscientific, and biased. The APA responded that the NAS findings were confined to a review of the research on polygraph testing in particular, and how it relates to personnel screening. The APA said the NAS relied on 57 of more than 1000 research studies available. The NAS in turn responded that a century of research in psychology and physiology provided little basis for expecting the polygraph test could have extremely high accuracy because the physiological responses are not uniquely related to deception only. At this oint a third entity was introduced, the NACVSA (National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysis), who also bashed the APA as a flawed method and flawed technology. They would tout how they were supported in agreement by the NITV (National Institute for Truth Verification), yet another official sounding entity. This back and forth seemed a bit odd, as though one or the other had an agenda. That is what redirected my research into whom these entities were, and who was considered more rel iable for the truth about lie detection. First stop was the APA web site (APA. org). I discovered it was a profit driven business selling technology, instruments, research, and advanced training and education programs, as well as advertising their APA magazine. Their primary customers were law enforcement, the legal community, and private sector security screening. It certainly was official, but only in the business sense. Ironically, in my search for the APA web site, it was paired with Antipolygraph. org web site. A location for message board discussions against the polygraph, most of which was specifically directed at the APA. I then moved on to the first entity contradicting the APA in Kanableââ¬â¢s article, the NAS. NASonline. org had nothing to sell, but rather a non profit society established by an act of congress signed by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 and extended by President Woodrow Wilson charged with the mission of providing independent objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. It definitely carried some weight in legitimacy, but to be sure it was not a bias source about this topic, I search its site database for this particular topic, and although it spoke about the technology of the polygraph, it made no specific mention of the APA itself. I was unable to do the same of the APA site as you had to be a paying member to access their database. I felt the NAS response to the APA research was legitimate coinciding with their purpose. What about the NACVSA? It turns out they are a direct competitor of the APA. Upon arriving at the CVSA1. com web site, it was immediately obvious in their solicitation of CVSA software and training. Also solicited were funding assistance through grants from both Walmart and Target to purchase the technology. They tried to hide behind government looking signs and symbols to appear more ââ¬Å"officialâ⬠. They covered the bases offering insight of cases solved by their technology, who was using their technology, and the history of their technology. They would repeatedly indicate their direct support from the National Institute for Truth Verification. Of course this institute must be official and have a web site. A Google turned up nothing for the NITV, and any mention of them would link you to the CVSA1. com web site. An attempt at Wikipedia also only had them listed as a vendor and tied to the NACVSA. Returning to the CVSA1 website for further investigation, I noticed in small print in the corner the following, ââ¬Å"the NITV is the manufacturer and sole source for the Computer Voice Stress Analyzerâ⬠. That certainly did explain their avid support of the CVSA technology. One last scroll through all the sites having mention of the NITV, I noticed a Government site with their mention. Eforia. bis. doc. gov. was a public posting of government documents from the department of commerce. It displayed 11 charges against the NITV of illegal exportation as a private business. So much for that. Realizing I only had information from either the biased private businesses of technology, or the seemingly unbiased sources of government documents and a science society founded by congress, I now wanted to find others with something to say about the polygraph. I went back to the school library database with a refinement for only magazines and newspapers. First was a eye catching title of an article in the Atlantic Monthly by Alan Berlow called ââ¬Å"The Wrong Manâ⬠. I gave accounts of cases leading to the conviction and eventual carrying out of death sentences of what would turn out to be discovered as wrongful conviction down the road. The tie with the polygraph came in that the results of the polygraphs, although not admissible in court, did find in agreement with what resulted in their convictions, even in contradiction of there being no physical evidence. This article revealed why the DA in one of those cases was so adamant in ignoring the lack of evidence for guilt and continuing till a conviction. He had knowledge of, and was influenced by, the non admissible results of the polygraph. The Wall Street Journal offered opposite perspectives on the polygraph. In 2003, an Article by Sharon Begley called ââ¬Å"Inertia, Hope, Morality, score TKOââ¬â¢s in Bouts with ââ¬Å"Solid Scienceâ⬠. The dispute with the polygraph was no different then others but with her particular method and terminology of expression. The second Wall Street Journal article, ââ¬Å"For The Polygraph Paradox; Lie Detectors Arenââ¬â¢t Perfect; But convicted Sex Offenders Concede, They May Be Good Enoughâ⬠, by Laurie P. Cohen. Although alluding to a positive use for the polygraph in spite of its controversy, I doubted the weight of this perspective as the only source of data was that of those who were convicted. It has no opposite data of those who were not convicted. I didnââ¬â¢t take either article as being to far out of bounds as the Wall Street Journal is widely known as quite reputable, whether you agree with a particular article or not. So I then narrowed my search to the immediate locality, and took an article from the Telegram Gazette. It was a General interest periodical in 1989 with no specific author. It was merely stating a factual outcome of the Massachusetts Supreme Court having ruled the polygraph test as inadmissible in this state. My research into the polygraph, although somewhat informative about its accuracy, was far more revealing about the source of opinions about the polygraph.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
People Skills in the Digital Age essays
People Skills in the Digital Age essays Social Engineering and Owning the Box I once worked as a Security guard for Quebecor World in Lincoln, NE. Nothing glamorous by any means, but unique in the fact that my 5.75 an hour rent-a-cop security guard job required me to go through a 1 month background check complete with credit records and criminal record pulls, interviews with the State Patrol, and multiple inquiries into my previous employment history. Why would this be necessary for such a mundane job? Who cares about the criminal background of a security guy on third shift at a printer? Quebecor prints, among other things, AOL CDs and pre-approved credit card applications and has at any time several hundred thousand names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers in (relatively) plain view. The dumpsters are locked outside. A special shredder devours waste paper into confetti pieces smaller than the end of an infants little fingernail, and then shreds them again. Not that these precautions are not a good start, but in about 10 minutes, an employee inside with a grudge or someone with access to some money can enlist the help of a for profit company to reconstruct paper shreddings into a semblance of the original document or just walk out of the facility outright with thousands of peoples private lives in their hands. Noticed anything unusual in your credit report lately? In this paper I researched social engineering. I examine a bit of its history, designate it as a non-technical means of obtaining information about and ultimately entry into a computer information system, I looked at two prominent old school social engineers. I then describe some basic precautions that are effective no matter what level of information system is employed. Social engineering, and its related type of information attack dumpster diving, is IT slang for using non-technical means to compromise an information system. It is...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Foods Role in the Evolution of the Human Jaw
Foods Role in the Evolution of the Human Jaw You may have heard the old adage that you should chew your food, especially meat, at least 32 times before you try to swallow it. While that may be overkill for some types of soft food like ice cream or even bread, chewing, or lack thereof, may have actually contributed to the reasons human jaws became smaller and why we now have smaller numbers of teeth in those jaws. What Caused the Decrease in Size of the Human Jaw? Researchers at Harvard University in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology now believe that the decrease in size of the human jaw was, in part, directed by the fact that human ancestors began to ââ¬Å"processâ⬠their foods before they ate them. This does not mean adding artificial colors or flavors or the type of processing of food we think of today, but rather mechanical changes to the food such as cutting meat into smaller pieces or mashing fruits, vegetables, and grains into bite sized, small jaw friendly amounts. Without the large pieces of food that needed to be chewed more times to get them to pieces that could be swallowed safely, the human ancestorsââ¬â¢ jaws did not have to be so large. Fewer teeth are needed in modern humans compared to their predecessors. For instance, wisdom teeth are now considered vestigial structures in humans when they were necessary in many of the human ancestors. Since jaw size has considerably gotten smaller throughout the evolution of humans, there is not enough room in some peopleââ¬â¢s jaws to comfortably fit the extra set of molars. Wisdom teeth were necessary when humansââ¬â¢ jaws were bigger and the food needed more chewing to be fully processed before being able to be swallowed safely. The Evolution of Human Teeth Not only did the human jaw shrink in size, so did the size of our individual teeth. While our molars and even bicuspids or pre-molars are still larger and flatter than our incisors and canine teeth, they are much smaller than the molars of our ancient ancestors. Before, they were the surface upon which grains and vegetables were ground into processed pieces that could be swallowed. Once the early humans figured out how to use various food preparation tools, the processing of the food happened outside of the mouth. Instead of needing large, flat surfaces of teeth, they could use tools to mash these types of foods on tables or other surfaces. Communication and Speech While the size of the jaw and the teeth were important milestones in the evolution of humans, it created more of a change in habits besides just how many times food was chewed before swallowed. Researchers believe the smaller teeth and jaws led to changes in communication and speech patterns, may have something to do with how our body processed changes in heat, and could even have affected the evolution of the human brain in areas that controlled these other traits. The actual experiment performed at Harvard University used 34 people in different experimental groups. One set of groups dined on vegetables early humans would have had access to, while another group got to chew on some goat meat- a type of meat that would have been plentiful and easy for those early humans to hunt and eat. The first round of the experiment involved the participants chewing completely unprocessed and uncooked foods. How much force was used with each bite was measured and the participants spit back out the fully chewed meal to see how well it was processed. The next round ââ¬Å"processedâ⬠the foods the participants would chew. This time, the food was mashed or ground up using tools the human ancestors may have been able to find or make for food preparation purposes. Finally, another round of experiments were performed by slicing and cooking the foods. The results showed that the study participants used less energy and were able to eat the processed foods much more easily than those that were left ââ¬Å"as isâ⬠and unprocessed. Natural Selection Once these tools and food preparation methods were widespread throughout the population, natural selection found that a larger jaw with more teeth and oversized jaw muscles were unnecessary. Individuals with smaller jaws, fewer teeth, and smaller jaw muscles became more common in the population. With the energy and time saved from chewing, hunting became more prevalent and more meat was incorporated into the diet. This was important for early humans because animal meat has more calories available, so more energy was then able to be used for life functions. This study found the more processed the food, the easier it was for the participants to eat. Could this be why the mega-processed food we find today on our supermarket shelves are often high in caloric value? The ease of eating processed foods is often cited as a reason for the obesity epidemic. Perhaps our ancestors who were trying to survive by using less energy for more calories have contributed to the state of modern human sizes.
Friday, February 14, 2020
In what ways isthe study of intercultural communication theory Essay
In what ways isthe study of intercultural communication theory relevant to international students, or not - Essay Example (Raymond Williams, Key Words, 1983:87) It is important to first understand the concept of intercultural communication and its importance. Intercultural communication in the simplest terms is the exchange of information and ideas across different cultures and various social groups. Since, the world today is portrayed by a huge number of contacts between people often resulting in the communication between people with distinctly different culture backgrounds and linguistics. It is important to overlook the needs of communication, without any misunderstandings and collision across the cultures. The study of intercultural communication is significant for international students as it can help them to understand and recognize the nature of different linguistics, also it will help them to compare the similarities and differences between their and otherââ¬â¢s cultures. There are cultures and sub-cultures within a culture. Students staying or thinking to apply to other countries need to develop the importance of understanding of cultures and their languages. Students engage and communicate with other international students to up bring the best of relationships. Intercultural communication is becoming gradually more essential due to the rise of globalization and also with the rise of multi-cultural job environments. Not all students get to receive the positive welcome from the students of other universities. Students often face difficulties while applying aboard, in foreign countries. Thus, in todayââ¬â¢s age, students of college level need an education that will provide them with a set of helpful skills such as, ââ¬Å"communication skillsâ⬠this process will allow the student to compete in an increasingly developing global market with gradually increasing educated population. Social networking sites have played a vital role in promoting and fostering intercultural communication. Young generation use social networking sites for interaction and
Saturday, February 1, 2020
International Business Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
International Business Practices - Essay Example The optimal structure for Physical Movement Company is an international division structure with centralized control. An international division structure separates the international division from the domestic operations. This structured is considered the most appropriate structure for rookie players in the international business since it completely separates the revenue streams obtain from oversee operations, inclusively it separates it between the divisions which in this case would be one per country for a total of three divisions. Centralized control is the best approach because the management of the company wants to learn from the integration into foreign markets and needs to be involved in the decision making as much as possible. The table below illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of centralized approaches: The international division structure will allow the company to carefully analyze the chosen markets and implement different marketing strategies in each of the markets. The company currently has different theories and marketing plans which they believe based on their research will work, but only time will tell the effectiveness of the plans. As the company matures they can systematically switch from a centralized to decentralize managerial style on a case by case basis per division. Decentralization of particular divisions could be allowed in locations in which the companyââ¬â¢s plans were successfully implemented. If the company enjoys significant growth internationally and expands into other markets then the company may purse reorganizing its international organizational structure into an international area structure or global product structure. A full implementation of the international business structure will take some time. The first step is to locate the physical space in which the division will operate in each of the countries which
Friday, January 24, 2020
Review of Stearnsââ¬â¢ Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West :: essays research papers
Wow, I mean, your sister, sheââ¬â¢s so fat that when she wears a yellow raincoat, people shout out, ââ¬Å"Taxi!â⬠Your brother, gosh, heââ¬â¢s so fat that his driverââ¬â¢s license says, ââ¬Å"Picture continued on the other side!â⬠About your mother, well, sheââ¬â¢s so fat that when she walks in front of the television, you miss out on three commercials! Iââ¬â¢m tellinââ¬â¢ ya! Fat! à à à à à Those humorous one-liners are just a few of the many out there. In the United States today, we are obviously obsessed with weight, but how did this cultural craze with heaviness start? When and why, even? Are we the only ones? Peter N. Stearns is a Carnegie Mellon history professor and dean, and in his book Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West, he explores and compares the weight-consciousness over the past century in both the United States (arguably the most obese Western country today) and France (arguably the slimmest); he also attempts at explaining why such contrariety exists between these two countries, despite both being heavily infatuated with body and beauty. It is Stearnsââ¬â¢ stance that this modern struggle against fat is actually very deeply rooted within our American culture, and dieting and rampant hostility toward the obese continue to become one of the underlying themes in our society today. He also notes the differences in attitud es toward the obese in both countries. He does not really believe that the French approach to obesity could so readily be adopted in the United States, but possibly recognizing a different attitude may help to later reshape the views and opinions that have been formed this past century in our society. à à à à à With respect to the United States, Stearns reveals that before the 1890s plumpness was healthy and in fact preferred over frailness; full-figures like Elizabeth Cady Stantonââ¬â¢s were linked to successful motherhood and were indeed quite fashionable. In the decade just before 1900, however, as we became more sedentary, fashion changed, and dress sizes became standardized, greater attention was drawn toward the more oddly shaped bodies, possibly creating a new public concern for body weight, especially for women. Fat-controlling devices like ââ¬Å"reducing corsetsâ⬠, dieting gimmicks such as Kissiengen water, and other advertisements for products to help against weight also began to spread during this time period. Morality even came into play, as obese individuals were seen to not only be lazy and weak but also on their way toward what one may call ââ¬Å"fat hellâ⬠. Review of Stearnsââ¬â¢ Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West :: essays research papers Wow, I mean, your sister, sheââ¬â¢s so fat that when she wears a yellow raincoat, people shout out, ââ¬Å"Taxi!â⬠Your brother, gosh, heââ¬â¢s so fat that his driverââ¬â¢s license says, ââ¬Å"Picture continued on the other side!â⬠About your mother, well, sheââ¬â¢s so fat that when she walks in front of the television, you miss out on three commercials! Iââ¬â¢m tellinââ¬â¢ ya! Fat! à à à à à Those humorous one-liners are just a few of the many out there. In the United States today, we are obviously obsessed with weight, but how did this cultural craze with heaviness start? When and why, even? Are we the only ones? Peter N. Stearns is a Carnegie Mellon history professor and dean, and in his book Fat History: Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West, he explores and compares the weight-consciousness over the past century in both the United States (arguably the most obese Western country today) and France (arguably the slimmest); he also attempts at explaining why such contrariety exists between these two countries, despite both being heavily infatuated with body and beauty. It is Stearnsââ¬â¢ stance that this modern struggle against fat is actually very deeply rooted within our American culture, and dieting and rampant hostility toward the obese continue to become one of the underlying themes in our society today. He also notes the differences in attitud es toward the obese in both countries. He does not really believe that the French approach to obesity could so readily be adopted in the United States, but possibly recognizing a different attitude may help to later reshape the views and opinions that have been formed this past century in our society. à à à à à With respect to the United States, Stearns reveals that before the 1890s plumpness was healthy and in fact preferred over frailness; full-figures like Elizabeth Cady Stantonââ¬â¢s were linked to successful motherhood and were indeed quite fashionable. In the decade just before 1900, however, as we became more sedentary, fashion changed, and dress sizes became standardized, greater attention was drawn toward the more oddly shaped bodies, possibly creating a new public concern for body weight, especially for women. Fat-controlling devices like ââ¬Å"reducing corsetsâ⬠, dieting gimmicks such as Kissiengen water, and other advertisements for products to help against weight also began to spread during this time period. Morality even came into play, as obese individuals were seen to not only be lazy and weak but also on their way toward what one may call ââ¬Å"fat hellâ⬠.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Oprah Winfrey’s 2008 Stanford Speech
This speech was about three lessons that Oprah Winfrey has come across in her professional and personal life. She talked about striving to be yourself and not anyone else and how you can grasp failure and turn it around by embracing it and finding the solution, and lastly how happiness comes when you give back to others. Her first lesson was about striving to be your own self; she talked about in the beginning of her professional career when she had a job in Baltimore as a news anchor. She was constantly holding Barbara Walters as the image she wanted to be in her career and wanted to be like.So she was always trying to talk like Barbara, look like Barbara and act like Barbaraâ⬠¦ And she kept getting it wrong. She felt the need to be spontaneous and more of herself when she would read some of the headingsâ⬠¦. Especially upsetting headings with disasters involved. So she would sometimes not pre-read any of headings until she was live so it would come across more realistic. She once covered a story of a horrible fire and afterwards ran to the scene and helped the fire victims by providing blankets. She never lost her empathy.She ran into some barriers during this job that ultimately helped her find her true purpose in life. The first barrier was that her boss let her know that they did not like the way she looked, and that they wanted to give her a new name that they thought would be more ââ¬Å"friendlyâ⬠and would be remembered by the public. She refused to change her name but did try to improve her looks by getting a perm that eventually made her hair fall out. She was let go from her position as the news anchor and placed on a talk show instead. It was there on the talk show that she felt she was at home and knew she had found her purpose in her life.So here she learned that she should never try to be anyone other than herselfâ⬠¦ and that when you are doing something you are supposed to do you will feel right about it. She referred to it as f eeling ââ¬Å"at homeâ⬠. Her second lesson was about embracing your failures and leaning with them instead of resisting them to find the solution. She talked about some of her failures and how she gained from them instead of being devastated. She mentioned her job loss in Baltimoreâ⬠¦ at first she was upset but it turned out to be one of the best things to have ever happened to her because out of t she would up on a television show and found her place in her future HUGE professional life. She talked about how your gut can tell you a lot. When you are doing something youââ¬â¢re supposed to be doing your gut will let you know it. When youââ¬â¢re doing something you probably shouldnââ¬â¢t be doing, your gut will also tell you. Something just wonââ¬â¢t feel right. That there is an inner voice inside you that you must follow and that it guides you through life. She calls is ââ¬Å"lifeââ¬â¢s whisperâ⬠. Oprah stressed that when devastation hits you, take a ste p back and ask ââ¬Å"what is this trying to teach me? She told the story of building a school in Africa for girls and took so much effort into making sure the building was perfect for the girls. Then she found out that one of the dorm matrons was suspected of sexually abusing the girls. She expressed how devastating this was to her and that she had to take a step back and ask herself what was the lesson here? She realized she was paying attention to all the wrong things. That she built that school from outside in, when what really mattered was the inside. She also expressed that she feels you never stop learning.She was referring to the graduates of Stanford that their education journey does not end her and that looks to the earth as a huge school never ending learning experience, and that she is still learning to this day. She went over a few quotes by her father and by BB King. Her last lesson was about giving back to others. And in order to be happy you MUST give back to others. And with that comes happiness. It gives you gratitude and makes you feel good. She also said to be a part of something bigger than yourself because life is a reciprocal exchange.She expressed that giving back is the greatest lesson of all to her. She talked about how in her career how she has given back in numerous amounts of ways and gave advice for whenever youââ¬â¢re in a mess, you help someone else get out of a messâ⬠¦ whenever you are in pain, help someone else in pain, whenever you have a loss help someone else with a lossâ⬠¦. She talked about how the founders of Stanford University lost their son and how they took their pain and sorrow and channeled it into grace and started the University and helped other people with children like their son.She told the students that whatever their career may be that they use their ability to help others and pass along greatness. She ended with a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote. Speech Analysis Oprah gained the audienceââ¬â¢s at tention right away because she is a widely known influential media leader. She is the Oprah Winfrey. She started by telling the audience she had a secret and that one of the students Kirby (Gail Kingââ¬â¢s daughter) was her god daughter and gave a quick story of how she knows Kirby and how proud she was of her god daughter for graduating.This was also part of an attention getter. Oprah used good eye contact and her voice manner was very pronounced and sure of herself. She is obviously a very experienced speaker, being Oprah. She used humor throughout her speech such as saying ââ¬Å"Stanfordâ⬠with a serious tone in her voice. She kept her speech very relatable to the graduates of Stanford by talking about her professional career and all her goals she met and would occasionally talk to them specifically and give them advice about when they go out in their career how they can help, or not to give up because of failures, etc.Oprah had good body gestures and moved her arms arou nd when talking, gave great pauses for emphasis and looked around at the audience. She did not seem to read her speech word for word, but rather just glance down at her notes and just speak freely of her own experiences. She talked a lot about her college career in the beginning of her speech which also gained attention from the graduates. O Oprahââ¬â¢s vocal tone was as always, inviting and I think that really kept the audience engages and very attentive towards her and what she was saying even though her speech was pretty long (30 min).Oprah was never repetitive and her examples were very witty and relatable. She gave each audience member two books from inspirational writers that she claimed helped her with her own life. She joked with the audience saying she wished she could have gotten everyone cars, but couldnââ¬â¢t pull it off. Oprahââ¬â¢s speech was very inspirational, impacting and I believe left a huge impression and impact on those 2008 graduatesââ¬â¢ lives. I loved the speech and am happy I watched it and picked this one to analyze.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Kite Runner Essay - 1476 Words
The Kite Runner Reading for leisure provides valuable insight into the authorââ¬â¢s imagination or prior experience giving the reader a different perspective on a certain topic or culture. In Khaled Hosseiniââ¬â¢s The Kite Runner, we are introduced into a world of privilege in Afghanistan for the main character, Amir, combated with his best friend and half brother Hassan, their lowly Hazara servant. The two boys were raised together but being a Hazara is seen as an inferior race to many of the other more privileged Afghan boys, in particular a vile aggressive boy named Assef. The novel gets its name from a leisure activity known as kite fighting in Afghanistan in which Amir takes part as the main fighter while Hassan is his kite runner. Amirâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Amir discovers that Hassan is actually his half brother and in an attempt to relieve the guilt he still feels for not helping Hassan on that sad day, he agrees to help Hassanââ¬â¢s son Sohrab despite the successful life he leads in America. When he gets to Afghanistan, Amir is forced to meet with Assef who is a leader of the Taliban and who has Sohrab under his control. A presumed fight to the death ensues where Amir is nearly beaten to death before Sohrab shoots him in the eye with his slingshot. The two are able to retreat back to America where Amir symbolically teaches the quiet Sohrab to fly kites which provides a slight glimpse of hope for the future of everyone still alive. The Kite Runner is a perfect example of how leisure reading can give valuable insight into other cultures while enjoying the stories involved. The first half of the book gives a glimpse of how some cultures contain much more rigid class stratification based on race and the status one is born into. Hassan is born a Hazara servant and even though he is Amirââ¬â¢s best friends and unknown to them half brother, he still does all the things a servant is supposed to do such as cleaning and cooking while remaining a loyal friend to Amir. We see that in their culture, it is not appropriate for people of Amirââ¬â¢s status to associate so closeShow MoreRelatedThe Kite Runner1867 Words à |à 8 PagesThe main protagonists in A Complicated Kindness and The Kite Runner convey that identities are socially constructed. Identity is shaped through the following factors: parenting, conflict, culture, gender, and genetics. These factors all intertwine and are the main influencers for shaping the protagonists identity. This is formed by the people that surround a person, their cultural stereotypes, how they teach others, and how a person learns. This essay will discuss how these factor effect identityRead MoreThe Kite Runner1445 Words à |à 6 PagesAs implied by the title, kites play a major role in the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. They appear numerous times within the text and prove to be surprisingly versatile in their literary function. They provide common ground for characters whose interests do not normally intersect. They are also present as a very powerful symbol, which adds an extra dimension to this already literary rich novel. Reversing the roles transcending generations, it shows itself to be a multifaceted medium. Read MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1269 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Kite Runner is a very powerful book that deals with many complex political and personal problems. This book has changed and challenged many of my views on life. I also found this book very inspiring and I have gained a greater appreciation for the life I have in Canada. Firstly, the text communicated with me through emotions. For example, I felt sadness for Hassan because of the way society treats him as an unequal. In addition, I have learned many things from this novel such as the importanceRead MoreThe Kite Runner Analysis772 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini was a touching book that revolved around loyalty within a friendship. The friendship between Hassan and Am ir had some difficulties. A true friendship can be hard to find(,) but can be one of the most vital things to being truly happy. Both Hassan and Amir had proven their loyalty to each other by the end of The Kite Runner. Loyalty was a crucial part in Hassan and Amirââ¬â¢s friendship. à à à In the beginning, Hassan was not only loyal to Amir because that was his dutyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Kite Runner1078 Words à |à 5 Pages The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a story of a boy as he unravels his journey throughout his life. The novel consists of multiple themes such as love, friendship, betrayal, guilt, , secrets, loyalty, and redemption. As the main character, Amir recalls his past events, all of these themes start to unravel specific events that occurred in his life. ââ¬Å"There is a way to be good againâ⬠(Hosseini 2) is where the novel unfolds the deep dark life of Amirââ¬â¢s regret and guilt, Babaââ¬â¢s secret, and Hassanââ¬â¢sRead MoreAnalysis Of The Kite Runner 1016 Words à |à 5 PagesAccording to the dictionary redemption means ââ¬Å" The act of saving from sinâ⬠. The kite Runner is about two boys that goes through violence and betrayal in Kabul, Afghanistan. One of the main characters Amir decided not to help his best friend caused their conflicts to grow. This reveals the theme of redemption throughout the Kite Runner. Most importantly, there is a motivation behind why Amir battles very nearly his whole existence with reclamation and that is on the grounds that Amir s hirelingRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Runner 1196 Words à |à 5 PagesNick St. Sauveur World Literature II 20 November 2015 Mrs. Hogan Kite Runner Essay Amir: Lost In Fear Over the duration of history, it has been shown that guilt not brought to light can do little in the name of personal redemption. Moreover, this is clearly connected with and related to Khaled Hosseini s fantastic novel The Kite Runner, one of which describes as well as shows the thoughts and actions of teens through the story s main character, Amir, and his many adventures as anRead MoreThe Kite Runner Analysis 1844 Words à |à 8 PagesTherefore, being a father is very difficult, having to overcome obstacles and being strong for each other. A well-known saying ââ¬Å"like father, like sonâ⬠is evident in this novel by the different ties of relationship each character had. In the novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini proves that there is need of a fatherly figure when growing up. Having a father-son bond helps the child differentiate right from wrong. The relationship which demonstrates the need of a father figure is depicted by Baba and AmirRead MoreSummary Of The Kite Run ner Essay997 Words à |à 4 Pages The Kite Runner Theme Paper In the song ââ¬Å"helloâ⬠by Adele she talks about how she wants meet to talk about everything in the past the makes her feel this guilt because the time away just didn t do enough she hasn t got over this feeling. Also in The Kite Runner, the character Baba experiences guilt so he does acts of kindness to redeem himself. No one knows why Baba did those acts of kindness till the end of the book because he thought no one would think of him the same way. In The Kite RunnerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Kite Runner 1229 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Kite Runnerââ¬â¢s plot is centered on the story of Amir, a young boy who grew up in Afghanistan with his father, and friend, Hassan. Amir was raised without a mother, and had no womanly influence in his life until he was married. This lack of women in the storyline has caused some to argue that the novel is demeaning to women (Gomez). The vulgar language and explicit themes are seen as demoralizing towards the female gender (Schaub). In the novel the women are required to remain committed and submissive
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